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Platelet Rich Plasma (Prp) And Growth Factors

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Platelet-Rich Plasma therapy is a regenerative therapy used to treat injuries and soft tissue damage. Platelets are used by the body for blood clotting, to aid in healing injuries, as well as to regenerate new tissue. The body’s initial reaction when an injury occurs is to send platelets to the injured area because PRP can stimulate repair through the release of growth factors and attraction of stem cells to the site.

PRP utilizes a process where the doctor extracts some blood, spins it at high velocities to separate the components of the blood and to concentrate the platelets. This platelet concentrate is then injected into the injured area. Platelets contain growth factors that promote healing. After an initial period of inflammation and soreness that lasts a few days, patients start to notice decrease in the pain and improvement of function. The healing may take 4-6 weeks but is long lasting. Because the blood components injected comes from the patient’s own body, side effects and complications are almost non- existent.

PRP can be combined with stem cell injections and injections of growth factors to maximize the natural healing process. This technique is proving to be an exciting revolutionary treatment.

Call for a consult with Dr. Morales at TRU Health and Wellness to find out how PRP can help you.